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HTML Basics

HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language used basically to design web sites. Notepad or an html editor like Editplus can be used to write the code. Editplus html editor is freely available for download from www.Editplus.com. Save the file with .html extension in some particular folder. Double click on the html file to view it in browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, Netrscape etc).

As a convention we will use all lowercase letters to name a file. If two words are to be used in a file name, let them be seperated by an "-" (hyphen). No space is permitted between words as a standard. Eg : my-mommy.html

HTML Lessons
1 -  2 -  3 -  4 -  5
Table Tutorial
1 -  2 -  3 -  4 -  5
Form Tutorial
1 -  2 -  3

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