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Lesson 3

You can specify background colors for a table cell, row or the whole table.Use BGCOLOR just like you would in the <BODY> tag.



Will display the table with yellowish background color.

Edwin Tom Richard
Lara Daisy Moly


Will display the rows in different colours - in FFCC66 & 99CCCC.

Edwin Tom Richard
Lara Daisy Moly

<TD BGCOLOR="#FF0000">Lara</TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#3366FF">Moly</TD>

Save it and view the colour change of table in browser. Here the second row is having 3 different colours.

Edwin Tom Richard
Lara Daisy Moly

One more thing about these table background colors. A <TD> bgcolor will override a <TR> bgcolor and a <TR> bgcolor will override a <TABLE> bgcolor. See the example:

<TR BGCOLOR="#009900">
<TD BGCOLOR="#9999FF">Edwin</TD>

Here Edwin will be displayed in colour 9999FF. The other two cells will be in green due to 009900.

Edwin Tom Richard
COLSPAN (Column Span) and ROWSPAN

Tom is out of the table and we have.



The out put will be as

Edwin Richard
Lara Daisy Moly

It just left an empty spot and Richard slid over to fill the void.

If we want Edwin to actually take possession of Tom's cell and make the area part of his own, we have to use the COLSPAN attribute.

<TD COLSPAN=2>Edwin</TD>


The out put will be as

Edwin Richard
Lara Daisy Moly

Here in first row first two rows will be occupied by Edwin and the last cell in first row is by Richard.

All other html coding, by the way, can be used in a cell. We'll make Edwin bold as an example.



The out put will be as

Lara Daisy Moly

Here in first row Edwin will be bold and centralised.

You can also add a hyperlink to the data in a cell - Edwin - as, <A HREF="http://gallery.bizhat.com/">Edwin</A> .

As you may have guessed, <ROWSPAN> is just like <COLSPAN>. It span rows instead of columns.

<TD ROWSPAN=2>Edwin</TD>


The out put will be as

Edwin Tom Richard
Daisy Moly

Here Edwin will occupy the first coloumns in both rows.

And of course, these tags can also be used in combination.

<TD ROWSPAN=2>Edwin</TD>


The out put will be as

Edwin Tom
Daisy Moly

Here Edwin will occupy the first coloumns in both rows. Tom will occupy two coloumns - second and third - in first row.

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