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Your First PHP Program

Now you know what is PHP. Lets start creating our first PHP program.

PHP Programs are just text files. You can create your PHP script in any ASCII text editor like Windows Notepad.exe or Edit Plus. Do not use Rich Text editor like MS Word, MS Write or Page Maker. I recommend using Edit+ available at www.EditPlus.com

All PHP Program file names should end with .php

Example: first_program.php, test.php

To create your first PHP Program, start your Text Editor and create a new file, put following content

<TITLE> My First PHP Program </TITLE>


echo "Hello World";



Save the file as test.php

Now you have your first PHP Program ready to run. PHP is a server side program. So to run it, you need to upload it to your web server and call it.


If you are running on local web server, put the file in web servers DocumentRoot and access it through web server like


The program will show "Hello World" on the browser.

Let's Look into the code

Every PHP script start with <?php and end with ?>

echo command is used to print string "Hello World" to browser.

All PHP command ends with a semicolon ( ; )

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